On this week’s Pedalpocalypse – the show where we ask guitar players which three effects pedals mean the most to them – we talked to the British blues guitarist and songwriter
@JackJHutchinson about being derailed by illness and his Black Crowes-inspired pedalboard.
Read the article here https://www.guitarworld.com/features/jack-j-hutchinson-pedals
The Purple Nurple by BMF Effects: https://www.bmfeffects.com/products/purple-nurple-overdrive
The Electro-Hamronix Micro Pog https://www.ehx.com/products/micro-pog/
The Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay https://www.mpamp.com/eu/deep-blue-delay-f
For more info on Jack J. Hutchinson, visit https://jackjhutchinsonmusic.com/
Pedalpocalypse is produced by Growvision and hosted by @BeauxGrisGris’s Robin Davey.
For more info on Growvision, visit https://www.growvision.com/
For more info on Beaux Gris Gris & The Apocalypse, including news and tour dates, visit https://www.beauxgrisgris.com/